New features we are working on!

Some of the things that we have on the horizon!


There will be book giveaways, drawings, and contests!

Merch – We are PROUD of what we are doing and hope that you are proud to be a part of it too! Merch is a great way to reach people who need us, but don’t know about it yet! The tiny bit of the proceeds we might receive will also help to continue to support the mission! We have a couple of fun goodies already, we’ll post more about that soon.

Wednesday Interviews: Live interviews with authors and people in the fat liberation community. 

Interviews on YouTube: We will be hosting longer and more in depth interviews with authors and people in the Fat Liberation movement. Join our Patreon for exclusive access to some of the content in those interviews and the potential to add questions to be asked!


The Oracle of Fat Fiction! Kayti is working on a system to let you pick a genre and it will randomly select a book from those featured on the site in that genre! Don’t like it, just spin again!

Blogs, book reviews, more authors, more books. This site is always growing, it will never hit a place where it is “done,” more books are written all the time. We will keep adding them, and creating new content as long as we have the resources to make it happen!

Book Club! Our new book club will launch in October! The first book is Spoiler Alert by Olivia Dade! We are really looking forward to reading with you! We will be reading books that feature fat positive femme and/or nonbinary characters!

FB Community! This is live now and we do have lots of people joining! We appreciate every single one of you. One of the important elements that we want to make sure that we are bringing is community. (Disclaimer: You must answer the questions to be accepted to the community, thank you)  


Our new YouTube channel will be going soon! We have ideas for great content brewing.

Outreach! We need help getting the word out, we want to reach out to indie bookstores, and libraries as well as fat friendly spaces and publications! Have any suggestions, we’d love to hear them 😊

There will be new ideas and adventures as we grow into our potential. We have big fat lofty goals for the future and we hope that you are coming along with us for the ride!

Go like and follow us on our socials, let your fat friendly friends know that we are here please! We love and appreciate you!

Mary and Kayti
The Fat Girls in Fiction

On a light blue textured paint background, a fat woman has a megaphone, saying New Features Coming Soon.