Who are the Fat Girls in Fiction?

Mary Warren

Mary Warren lives in central Illinois with her husband and 3 children. Her journey to seek out and encourage fat representation began after reading a book that had the fat representation she didn’t even know she needed. This spark inspired her to read as many fat main characters as she could. After a while, she became an activist for representation on tiktok under #fatgirlsinfiction and then founded fatgirlsinfiction.com a website dedicated to the books and authors featuring positive portrayals of fat characters. Since then,  she has kept reading and talking about fat girls. She is now also writing about fat girls. In March of 2022 she will be contributing to the anthology Curves and Magic. She is also working on a fat girl rom com all her own.

a fat smiling woman with glasses and short brown hair stands in front of a bookcase with light coming in from the window on her left (viewer's left)

Kayti Lake

Kayti is a fat, book loving mama too. Kayti was tapped to help bring Mary’s vision to the world and is incredibly excited and lucky to get to do so. Kayti was a little embarrassed to realize that she had not even considered needing representation for herself, because she was focused on finding representation for others. Her internalized fatphobia let her live in the sting that was caused every time she read about a poor, dumpy, lazy fat person as if she deserved that. Mary’s influence was life altering, and Kayti shook off the blinders of self hatred (as much as she could) and proudly started carrying Mary’s banner! Kayti works professionally building websites, creating content, and running social media accounts for small businesses. She is supported tirelessly by her spouse and sprightling. 

fat red headed woman in a field of sunflowers with glasses and a bright purple shirt smirking at the camera